Hainan Dao Volcano | John Seach



19.7 N, 110.10 E
summit elevation unknown
Pyroclastic cones

Hainan Dao Volcano is located in SE China, on the northern part of Hainan Island. Hainan Dao volcanic field covers 4100 sq km, and contains a cluster of about 30 cones in the Shishan and Yongzing regions.

Further reading
Li, Z.X., Lei, J.S., Zhao, D.P., Wu, B., Shen, F.L. and Qiu, X.L., 2008. Three-dimensional P-wave velocity structure of the crust beneath Hainan Island and its adjacent regions, China. Acta Seismologica Sinica21(5), pp.441-448.

Hainan Dao Volcano Eruptions

1933, 1883