Talang Volcano | John Seach


Sumatra, Indonesia

0.97 S, 100.67 E
summit elevation 2896 m

Talang Volcano (also known as Salasi or Sulasih) is located in Kota Anau of Solok Regency, Sumatra. An extinct volcano, Pasar Arbaa, is nearby. There is no summit crater at Talang volcano, but a valley 300 m long and 30 - 90 m wide with fumarolic activity. Historical eruptions from Talang volcano have occurred in a valley on the upper NE side of the volcano. There are two crater lakes on the volcano, the largest being Danau Talang. An active fault stretches NW from Danau Dibaru near the summit of Talang volcano to Danau Singkarak 40 km away.

Talang Volcano photos by John Seach

talang volcano
Talang volcano, Sumatra

talang volcano indonesia
Talang volcano

Talang Volcano - John Seach

talang volcano sumatra
Talang volcano jungle

talang volcano
John Seach at the summit of Talang Volcano in March 2008.
Devastated trees are from 2005 eruption. Tornillos were recorded at the volcano in early 2008.

2009 Unrest
Alert level increased to 3 (Siaga) at Talang volcano on 17th August 2009. This follows a series of tectonic earthquakes in Mentawai, 130 km SSW on 16th August, and an increase in tremor at the volcano. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake hit 80 km NW of the volcano on 30th September 2009.

2008 Tornillo Earthquakes
Tornillo earthquakes commenced at the volcano in February 2008, and were catalogued during a visit by John Seach. During a summit climb in March 2008 John Seach noted summit earthquakes, high pressure noisy fumaroles, and devastated forest from the 2005 eruption.

2007 Ash emissions
During 18-25th June 2007, thick brown ash plumes rose to an altitude of 3.1 km.

2005 Eruption
Talang volcano erupted on 10th April 2005, 12 days after the second Sumatra earthquake (Magnitude 8.7)

Saturday 16th April 2005.
Over 40,000 people have been evacuated from the slopes of Talang volcano in Sumatra. A five kilometer exclusion zone has been declared around the craters. There is potential for significant eruption. Aircraft should exercise caution when overflying the area. Talang volcano remains at the highest level of alert at 4.
Monday 18th April 2005
The alert level at Talang volcano in Sumatra has been reduced from 4 to 3. The volcano erupted on Tuesday 12th April. Volcanic activity has declined over the past few days.

Saturday 16th April 2005.
The eruption of Talang volcano during the week has caused the evacuation of thousands of refugees, who have spent a third night in tents. The eruption has also affected tea plantations close to the volcano, which have been covered in ash. The evacuated villages are: Bukit Cileh (3,485 people), Batu Bajanjang (3,632), Koto Laweh (4,660), Kampung Batu Dalam (8,112), and Air Batumbua (2,815), a total of 22,713 people. In addition 5,000 residents from nearby villages volunatarily left their homes.

News report by John Seach, 12th April 2005.
Talang volcano erupted on 12th April 2005, with ash to 25,000 ft. Talang volcano is located in Sumatra, close to recent large earthquakes. Talang is on a list of volcanoes identified at risk of eruption by John Seach following the large earthquakes in the region. (See Volcano Live news reports for 10th April 2005, and 30th December 2004). The volcano is at maximum alert level 4 (out of 4) and volcanic activity has been increasing following Mentawai earthquake of 10th April. Talang volcano is just 40 kilometers east of the coastal capital of West Sumatra province, Padang.

Further reading
Fiantis, D., Nelson, M., Shamshuddin, J., Goh, T.B. and Van Ranst, E., 2010. Leaching experiments in recent tephra deposits from Talang volcano (West Sumatra), Indonesia. Geoderma156(3-4), pp.161-172.

Fiantis, D., Nelson, M., Shamshuddin, J., Goh, T.B. and Van Ranst, E., 2010. Determination of the geochemical weathering indices and trace elements content of new volcanic ash deposits from Mt. Talang (West Sumatra) Indonesia. Eurasian Soil Science43(13), pp.1477-1485.

Talang Volcano Eruptions

2007, 2006, 2005, 2002, 2001, 1986?, 1968, 1968, 1967, 1963, 1876?, 1845, 1843, 1833.