Titila Volcano | John Seach


Kamchatka, Russia

57.406 N, 160.112 E
summit elevation 1559 m
Shield volcanoes

Titila volcano is located in Sredinny Range, Kamchatka, on the NW shore of Lake Glubokoye. It overlaps Rassoshina to the west. A young lava flow traveled to the north from a vent on the NE flank of Rassoshina about 2500 years ago.

The rocks are transitional from medium to high-K basalt.

Further reading
Pevzner, M. M., A. O. Volynets, and V. A. Lebedev. "Sedankinsky Dol (Sredinny Range, Kamchatka): K–Ar Isotopic Age of Volcanoes, Relationship of Volcanic and Glacial Relief Forms." Journal of Volcanology and Seismology 15.5 (2021): 314-322. 

Titila Volcano Eruptions

550 BC