Chyulu Hills Volcano | John Seach



2.68 S, 37.88 E
summit elevation 2188 m
Volcanic field

Chyulu Hills volcano is located in southern Kenya, 70 km NE of Mount Kilimanjaro. Chyulu Hills are located more than 100 km east of the Kenya Rift, and extent for 150 km NW-SE. Eruptions at this off-rift volcano are due to a small mantle plume deflected off the main larger plume under the Rift Valley. This same type of activity is also responsible for eruptions at Kilimanjaro, Mt Kenya, Marsabit, Nyambeni, and Huri Hills. Chyulu volcanic province covers an area of 2840 sq km. The crust is 44 km thick beneath the volcano. Seismic studies have detected a region of molten magma beneath the volcano.

Southern Chyulu Hills
The most recent eruptions at the volcano occurred in the southern Chyulu Hills. There are a number of young-looking cinder cones.

Northern Chyulu Hills
Eruptions began in the northern Chyulu Hills 1.4 million years ago.

Chyulu Hills National Park
The Chyulu Hills National Park is located 190 km SE of Nairobi and 30 km SW of Kibwezi.

Leviathan Lava Tube

Further reading
Späth, A., Le Roex, A.P. and Opiyo-Akech, N., 2000. The petrology of the Chyulu Hills volcanic province, southern Kenya. Journal of African Earth Sciences31(2), pp.337-358.

gHaug, G.H. and Strecker, M.R., 1995. Volcano-tectonic evolution of the Chyulu Hills and implications for the regional stress field in Kenya. Geology23(2), pp.165-168.

Chyulu Hills Volcano Eruptions

Shaitani and Chainu cinder cones erupted in the mid 1855.