Homa Mountain Volcano | John Seach



0.38 S, 34.50 E
summit elevation 1751 m
Complex volcano

Homa Mountain is located on the eastern shore of Lake Victoria. The volcanic complex consists of the largest centre Homa two other centres Nyasanja and Apoyo.
The most recent vents are Chiewo, Got Ojawa and Got Oloo.
Other eruptive centres are Rapogi, Nyamatoto, Ratieng, Odiawo, Rongo, and Ndiru.

The volcano centre lies in a weakened zone near the intersection of the Kendu and Samaga faults. There is an elliptical lake (Simbi) located east of Homa mountain which probably formed in historical times.

Further reading
Pulfrey, W., 1949. Ijolitic rocks near Homa Bay, western Kenya. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society105(1-4), pp.425-459.

Homa Mountain Volcano Eruptions

Hot springs are present at the volcano.